How to Write Your Book Without Feeling Overwhelmed by Life's Busyness book coaching writing mindset

 Life is busy—we all know it. Whether you're an entrepreneur managing a business, a coach juggling clients, or a busy mom with a never-ending to-do list, finding time to write a book can feel impossible. The idea of fitting writing into your already packed schedule may seem daunting,...

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9 Strategies to Beat Self-Doubt and Build Confidence in Your Book writing mindset

As an aspiring author or business owner, overcoming self-doubt can be one of the biggest challenges you face. If you’ve ever questioned whether your book will make an impact or doubted your ability to finish it, know that you’re not alone. In my own journey while writing The Six...

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How to Write a Best-Selling Book Without Sacrificing Your Time or Sanity productivity writing mindset

As business owners, we often hear that writing a book demands sacrificing our time, mental well-being, and even our business. But what if I told you that you could write a best-selling book without losing your mind or sacrificing your precious time?

In just 18 months, I wrote and published...

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The First Ten Steps To Writing A Powerful Book book coaching writing mindset

You're about to learn the exciting journey of transforming your book idea into a published reality! In this article, I'm going to deep dive into the essential steps required to get your book written and navigate your way through the noise. These foundational steps will provide you invaluable...

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How To Establish A Writers Mindset For Your New Book book coaching writing mindset

If it were easy, everyone would do it. I'm sure you've heard that saying before. The fact you're even thinking about writing a book puts you in the upper percentile of ambitious, high-achieving individuals.

There are many difficult challenges you would have already faced in life that you've come...

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Week 2: The Introduction, Being Out Of Routine, An Important Lesson book coaching writing writing mindset

It's six in the morning here, and I'm sitting at one of the Kuala Lumpur lounges waiting for the connecting flight to London. If there's one thing I've learned over the last week, a routine can quickly go out the window when your focus shifts not just in writing - but in life in general. 


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